Don TolmanFor decades I’ve been about helping people to understand the power of self care and self education – taking care of one’s self. And when you have good reasons for having a point of view that flies directly in the face of the establishment, you become a little rebellious.
The Past 50 Years
For over 50 years of being in the public arena and involved with doctors, medical groups, scientific researchers and in working with literally thousands of people who have been failed by the ‘healthcare’ system, I’ve come to realize that about 98% of what that industry does is actually doing more harm than good.
The truth is that today’s ‘health care’ is really ‘SICK’ care. It’s sadly become an industry that thrives on the perpetuation of sickness and disease through false diagnostics, unnecessary treatments and surgeries – and huge corporate interests and agendas are driving that entire business globally.
Now don’t get me wrong, I am grateful for how far modern medicine has come in being able to assist people in dealing with crisis and trauma situations immediately following accidents. But beyond that, the more you investigate ‘health care’, the more you begin to see it’s pitfalls and how it’s failing humanity.

“I’ve helped Thousands of People Assist Themselves out of Stage 4 Cancers, Diabetes, Heart Disease, and every other Life-style Related Dis-Ease”.
What got me into all this?
As an 8 year old boy, I’d heard a story that set my heart and mind racing. The story was about an ancient sacred meal called ‘Pulse’. For a period of time I thought I wanted to become a neurosurgeon but something kept me off that path. Eventually I embarked on a 17 year quest as a young adult into 33 different countries in search of Pulse. That crazy little meal was one thing, but it was the information I found in search of it that truly changed my life. During my quest, I was granted special dispensation to meet the curators of certain museums, I experienced life amongst many different indigenous cultures and I was able to review ancient collections that were under ‘lock and key’.
Above all, what I discovered was the most priceless, observational wisdom from our ancestors about nature and it’s relationship to the human body and about health. I carried this knowledge with me and it’s what set me off on a mission for the rest of my life to share it publicly with anybody who was prepared to listen. My message is simple and yet it’s the simplicity that causes many to ignore it when their health is in the balance. I’ve discovered that even when the answer is so obvious, most prefer to put their trust in expensive, complex solutions.
Why I’m the ‘Enemy in the Camp’
For the past 40+ years, I have traveled the globe as a public speaker sharing my message of Self Care to both live seminar audiences and through the international media. In the USA I have been a return guest on the Donahue Show, Entertainment Tonight and ABC Talk Radio and in Australia I have featured on Mornings with Kerri-Anne, Today Tonight and countless talk-back radio shows. On several separate occasions in my life, I have completed extended fasts on both water and juices to experience for myself one of the brilliant ancient protocols for healing, restoration and extending life.
When it comes to taking care of your health, my wish for you is that you’ll simply seek the truth before just blindly handing yourself over to a credentialed expert. Do your homework – and then, and only then, choose a path that seems logical, reasonable and right for you.
Above all, what I discovered was the most priceless, observational wisdom from our ancestors about nature and it’s relationship to the human body and about health. I carried this knowledge with me and it’s what set me off on a mission for the rest of my life to share it publicly with anybody who was prepared to listen. My message is simple and yet it’s the simplicity that causes many to ignore it when their health is in the balance. I’ve discovered that even when the answer is so obvious, most prefer to put their trust in expensive, complex solutions.
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Everything I put in this course is simply my opinion, and if you do anything I recommend without the supervision of a licensed medical doctor, you do so at your own risk. The publisher, the author, the editor, distributors and affiliates present this information for entertainment and educational purposes only. I am not making an attempt to prescribe any medicinal treatment, since under the laws of the United States and elsewhere, only a licensed medical doctor (an MD) may do that.
It is only in my opinion, that clean air, clean water, sunshine, walking, whole foods, healthy relationships and a passion for life are healthy for you. I agree that some people find fresh oranges, crisp apples and summer watermelon hideously scary, while at the same time, doughnut shops, soda pops, synthetic sweeteners and fast food restaurants are the ultimate ‘Disneyland of great nutrition.’ Even doctors who believe this are simply expressing their opinions.