Hello Friend,

If you haven’t heard already, Cowboy Don is no longer doing those 3-hour preview presentations, nor the 3-day live events that have kept him busy for over a decade. 

He still loves helping people as much as always and is just as accessible as ever.  Now that we have the technologies available, we can make life easier for everyone to connect while allowing Don to slow down and relax. 

Tolman UniverCity was created so that Don’s amazing knowledge can continue to be shared with future generations while he takes a break from 50 years of tedious travel, live presentations and face-to-face consultations.

Members of Tolman UniverCity have access to the search facility to hear the answers to over 3,200 questions that have been recorded on live webinars, however non-members in particular tend to take up a lot of Don’s time answering questions via email, text messages, and even calls, and too often for free.  Unfortunately his generosity doesn’t pay the bills.

In order to sustain the Cowboy we have set up a voluntary contribution system where you can contribute an agreed amount for his time to respond to questions you may want answered directly by him.

Simple, short queries might be worth $10 or $20, longer and more complex ones would obviously be worth more.

In order to receive a direct, one-on-one response from Don, please read the following disclaimer carefully and if you fully understand and agree with it, please proceed to the form below.


Warning: Disclaimer of Don Tolman – Whole Food Advisor and Practitioner
Everything I say is simply my opinion and if you do anything I recommend without the supervision of a licensed medical doctor, you do so at your own risk.  I present this information for educational purposes only.  I am not making an attempt to prescribe any medical treatments, since under the laws of the United States and elsewhere, only a state licensed medical doctor (an MD) can do that.  It is only my opinion, that clean air, clean water, sunshine, walking, whole foods, healthy relationships and a passion for life are healthy for you.  I agree that some people find fresh oranges, crisp apples and summer watermelon hideously scary, while at the same time doughnut shops, soda pops, synthetic sweeteners and fast food restaurants are the ultimate “Disneyland of great nutrition.”  Even doctors who believe this are simply expressing their own opinions; the difference is they are supported by law in nearly everything they say.

By filling in and sending the form below you acknowledge that I am not a Government Licensed Medical Doctor to your knowledge. 




When you send the form below you will be taken to a page where you can make a voluntary contribution in Australian Dollars.  There are options for $10, $20, and $65.00, or any other amount that you can enter manually.  Your receipt will show ‘Tolmania Foundation’ as the recipient. 

Suggested contributions:

A short text or email that Don can read and respond to in just a few minutes: AU$10 to AU$20.

A 20 minute phone consultation: AU$300.  Use the button for “Other Amount” and enter the actual figure there.

Once payment has been processed, Don will receive a notification and will proceed with the correspondence according to your request.

Consultation Request

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