The CourseThis is a 13 curriculum program over 3 levels. Each curriculum gives you an experience and learning of the essential elements to build the framework towards your completion of Tolman UniverCity.
Level 1 – Apprentice
The Apprentice Level consists of just one curriculum; The Seven Principles of Health.
The Seven Principles of Health are all about the fundamentals – the essentials – the ground work.
You will be guided through each of the 7 Principles, taking one at a time, gathering information and insights about each one and really observing, pondering and considering how each of these essential elements to health and longevity are currently (or soon will be) benefiting yourself in your everyday life, and in others.
You have tasks and activities to undertake to enhance your appreciation of this Ancient Wisdom, and plenty of opportunity to implement, record and create change in any or all of the areas covered.

“The spirit desires to remain with its body, because, without the organic instruments of that body, it can neither act, nor feel anything.”.
~ Leonardo da Vinci (1452 – 1519)

Level 2 - Journeyer
The next 7 curriculums you will be working through (Curriculums 2-8) explore The Seven Body Systems, consisting of:
- The Brain, which is tied to the Nervous System, which is tied directly to the
- Respiratory System… which links to the Integumentary System (skin). All of this links to the
- Heart and Circulatory System that links to the
- Endocrine Reproductive System, which is directly linked to the
- Digestive & Excretory System that is directly tied to the
- Lymphatic Immune System, that is all held together and strengthened by the
- Muscular / Skeletal System.
In each of the seven curriculums of the Journeyer level you will cover:
- Anatomy and physiology,
- Ailments / diseases / disorders related to each system
- Epicures and protocols
- Foods that target the specific systems
Upon completion of the 7 Body Systems and the Journeyer Level, a Reference Guide to Disease will be available . This is for you to refer to and cross reference with labels given to diseases in each of the 7 Body Systems, their symptoms, and the natural whole food remedies, epicures and protocols you may offer as an alternative for health and life rather than disease and death.
Elective Curriculums
1) Develop Your Mental Muscle
– a comprehensive book written by Don Tolman and published in 1998.
2) Memory
– further studies and information on memory.
Note:- Other electives may be added at a later date.

Level 3 - Master Crafter
As we now go further into a discovery of the so called ‘Health Care‘ industry we’ll expose the real causes of dis-ease, dis-comfort; what causes these conditions and what you can do to avoid and / or eliminate them.
We begin Curriculum 9 with a look into the history of the medical / pharmaceutical industry and see where we’ve gone wrong, and how that happened. We then delve into Disease and Healthcare. Curriculum 9 uncovers the dark side so you can recognise the difference between what the masses have been taught and blindly follow, and the truest truths that we’ll study in curriculum 10 onward.
Curriculum 10 will provide enlightening information on Self Care (as opposed to Health Care) through whole foods and the principles of health so you’ll have a deep understanding of what nutrition really is, how to get it, and the effects it has on your well-being.
In Curriculum 11 we get serious about the knowledge required to qualify as a Tolman UniverCity In-Home Health Inspector. This builds upon what you learnt as you completed the activities in the ‘About You’ classes right back at the introduction stage of Tolman UniverCity. We cover a range of toxicities that we’re exposed to constantly, and provide alternatives that you can implement instead. Armed with this information you will be able to assist others so that they too can benefit from this knowledge.
Curriculum 12 deals with the ancient brilliance of Fasting. Having already cleaned up your diet, and therefore your body, you’ll now learn a number of ways to fast so that, depending upon your situation and desired results, you can embark upon a journey that will lift you physically, mentally and emotionally to higher levels of health and well-being than you have experienced in a long time. Water fasting, juice fasting, intermittent fasting, mono fasting and even walking the rainbow bridge are all covered here. Also, how to fast, with whom, for how long, how to prepare for a fast and how to end a fast.
To complete the course proper, Curriculum 13 entitled ‘Your Star‘ will teach you scholastic methods of attaining all you desire in life. Your star is meant to shine brightly, and armed with the information in this curriculum you will lift to higher levels, physically, mentally, emotionally, socially, financially – it’s up to you.
Your Tolman UniverCity Journey starts with the First Step
The Cause of Disease
Watch this 20 min sample video from the course.
Pricing Options & Member Benefits
Membership- Introduction to Tolman UniverCity
- Curriculum 1 – The Apprentice Level
- Curriculums 2-8 – The Journeyer Level
- Cirriculumns 9-13 – The Master Crafter Level
- Electives 1 & 2 access
- Ringleader Membership
- Ask Don Anything
- Vaultz of Knowedge
- Epraxis Lessons
Membership- Introduction to Tolman UniverCity
- Curriculum 1 – The Apprentice Level
- Curriculums 2-8 – The Journeyer Level
- Cirriculumns 9-13 – The Master Crafter Level
- Electives 1 & 2 access
- Ringleader Membership
- Ask Don Anything
- Vaultz of Knowedge
- Epraxis Lessons
Membership- Introduction to Tolman UniverCity
- Curriculum 1 – The Apprentice Level
- Curriculums 2-8 – The Journeyer Level
- Cirriculumns 9-13 – The Master Crafter Level
- Electives 1 & 2 access
- Ringleader Membership
- Ask Don Anything
- Vaultz of Knowedge
- Epraxis Lessons
Additional Member Benefits
Ringleader Membership
Not only do you have full access to Tolman UniverCity, you also receive lifetime Ringleader membership valued at $997 included at no extra cost. There is no maintenance fee on Ringleader membership – nothing more to pay, ever. And it’s yours free when you enrol.
We have a closed group Facebook page and run webinars for Ringleaders and we love to hear from you about what you would like to hear, know, learn or be. We take note of all your requests and questions and the most requested topic will be next in line as the next webinar talk for our members. This way we can tailor these members only webinars just for you.
Any health questions you would like to submit can also be emailed through and answered on the next webinar. The Webinars generally run for roughly an hour, and we record them and upload them into the members area so you can listen any time.
Ask Don Anything
With hundreds of hours of webinars recorded since 2011 there are over 3,000 questions already answered by Don. You have access to the entire database of recorded webinars, AND the ability to search the headings and text of the questions for keywords that will then bring up all the questions containing those keywords, along with the audio recording of the question and answer.
And if your specific concern has never been dealt with through the 3,000+ Q&A’s, just email it through and you’ll have it answered on the next webinar.
Vaultz of Knowledge
The Ringleader site also contains Don’s Vaultz of Knowledge where you can find the 6 DVD set of the “Boot Camp 4 Brains” which sells online for $385, the “D-Talks” 5 Disk DVD set that sells for $220, the 6-volume “Simply Human” audio series and much more.
E-Praxis, Self-Care Libraries and More ….
You will receive E-Praxis lessons, and have access to Don’s Self-Care Libraries with articles and information, videos, Epicures and protocols.
Everything I put in this course is simply my opinion, and if you do anything I recommend without the supervision of a licensed medical doctor, you do so at your own risk. The publisher, the author, the editor, distributors and affiliates present this information for entertainment and educational purposes only. I am not making an attempt to prescribe any medicinal treatment, since under the laws of the United States and elsewhere, only a licensed medical doctor (an MD) may do that.
It is only in my opinion, that clean air, clean water, sunshine, walking, whole foods, healthy relationships and a passion for life are healthy for you. I agree that some people find fresh oranges, crisp apples and summer watermelon hideously scary, while at the same time, doughnut shops, soda pops, synthetic sweeteners and fast food restaurants are the ultimate ‘Disneyland of great nutrition.’ Even doctors who believe this are simply expressing their opinions.